Ref: CT010
EUR 135,-
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Fabricacion de Confites y Chocolate
de E.B. Jackson
Jackson Associates
Publication date: March 2008
Versión española de “Sugar Confectionery & Chocolate Manufacture”
This book is one of the established reference sources for the confectionery industry. Written as a text book it brings together relevant information on many raw materials used in the manufacture of sweets and chocolate and describes both traditional and modern production processes, in particular those continuous methods which are finding increasing application. There are basic recipes and methods for a wide range of confectionery. Special concern is extended to the need to combine maximum economy with high quality.
The various check lists and charts, showing the more likely faults and how to eliminate them, reflect the fact that art still plays no small part in this industry.
There also will be found a collection of other general reference data in tabular form; while the Glossary explains a number of technical terms, many of them peculiar to the industry.
- Consideraciones Técnicas Básicas
- Azúcares y Materiales Relacionados
- Cacao
- Grasas e Ingredientes Relacionados
- Leche y Productos Lácteos
- Agentes Gelificantes y de Batido; Gomas
- Agentes Saborizantes y Colorantes
- Cacao, Chocolate y Productos Relacionados
- Caramelos Duros
- Caramelos Blandos, Toffees y Fudge
- Fondants, Cremas y Confitado del Cristalizado
- Gomas, Jaleas y Pastillas
- Regaliz y Pasta de Crema
- Tabletas, Lozenges y Pasta Extruida
- Malvavisco (Marshmallow) y Turrones
- Otros Tipos de Confites
- Cálculo de Recetas para Confites y Chocolate