Sugar Confectionery Recipes and Methods
compiled by E.B. Jackson
Jackson Associates
Publication date: April 2002
More than 200 pages of industrial recipes and methods of production…
Price: EUR 160,- + VAT + postage
Sugar Confectionery & Chocolate Manufacture
by R. Lees & E.B. Jackson
Jackson Associates
Edition: 1999
This book is one of the established reference sources for the confectionery…
Price: EUR 135,00 + VAT + postage
The Science of Sugar Confectionery
by William P. Edwards
Royal Society of Chemistry
Publication date: January 2000
Paperback, 176 pages
Price: EUR 55,00 + VAT + postage
Sugar Confectionery Manufacture
by E.B. Jackson
Publication date: May 1995 (2nd edition)
Hardcover, 400 pages
Price: EUR 210,00 + VAT + postage
Silesia Confiserie Manual No.3
by A. Meiners, K. Kreiten and H. Joike
SILESIA Gerhard Hanke KG
Publication date: 1984
Collection of 3 books
English, French and Spanish versions
Price: EUR 155,00 + VAT + postage
Formulation and Production of Chewing and Bubble Gum
by Fritz Douglas
Kennedy’s Publications Ltd
Publication date: January 2006
Douglas Fritz has many years of experience…
Price: EUR 220,00 + VAT + postage
Silesia Confiserie Manual No.4 (Panned Goods)
by Josef A. Merl & K.-W. Stock
SILESIA Gerhad Hanke KG
Publication date: 1996
Paperback, 231 pages
Price: EUR 80,00 + VAT + postage
Chocolate, Cocoa, and Confectionery: Science and Technology
by Bernhard Minifie
Publication date: August 1989 (3rd edition)
Hardcover, 904 pages
Price: EUR 259,00 + VAT + postage
Guide Technologique de la Confiserie Industrielle
de Ph. Bryselbout & I. Fabry
DataSweet Online GmbH
Date de publication: mai 2013 (1ère publication en 1984)
Livre cartonné, 561 pages
Price: EUR 155,00 + VAT + postage
de W.P. Edwards
AMV Ediciones
Traducido en el espanol: 2002
Mientras que mucha gente ha comido golosinas alguna vez, son pocos los que…
Price: EUR 55,00 + VAT + postage
Fabricacion de Confites y Chocolate
de E.B. Jackson
Jackson Associates
Publication: March 2008
Version espanola de « Sugar Confectionery & Chocolate Manufacture »
Price: EUR 135,00 + VAT + postage
Confectionery and Chocolate Engineering
by Ferenc Mohos
A. John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Publication date: August 2010
Hardcover, 712 pages
Price: EUR 240,00 + VAT + postage
Confectionery Science and Technology
by Richard W. Hartel, Joachim H. von Elbe, Randy Hofberger
Publication: 2018
Hardcover, 536 pages
Price: EUR 125,00 + VAT + postage
Candy Bites – The Science of Sweets
by R.W. Hartel & A. Hartel
Publication date: 2014
Softcover, 270 pages
Price: EUR 30,00 + VAT + postage